What to Expect


the coaching way

Coaching is defined as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

The coaching way is spacious, grounding, and creates possibility. We slow down to untangle patterns, unearth beliefs, and move toward action that serves you and your personal, relational, or professional goals. True coaching requires deep work, meaning there is no quick fix, easy button, or one-size-fits-all strategy.

To determine if we are a good fit for each other, we have an initial conversation that provides you with an experience of what it would be like to be my client.

You can read more about my personal tenets of coaching and how I show up for you here.


how i support clients:

  • Working with limiting beliefs

  • Untangling patterns that no longer serve

  • Preparing for, or recentering after, a life transition

  • Communication skills

  • Boundary setting

  • Unpacking relational roles

  • Building high self-worth

  • Nervous system regulation and contemplative practices

  • Somatic Integration

  • Personal values definition and alignment

  • Identity transformation

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Parts integration - reconciling two opposing parts of self

  • Habits, actions, and goal ecology

  • Small business planning and career planning

  • Leadership development

  • Defining purpose

  • Working with the Shadow self

  • Visualization

  • Education as desired on any of the topics I leverage to support you (neuroscience, psychology, systems we live in, mindfulness etc.)

    …And much more! I add to my toolbox often through continuing education.


What to Expect in a Session

After mutually agreeing to work together, our first session will be used to co-create a plan of outcomes we are moving toward. We lay the groundwork to do deep work in following sessions. This is the only time I bring an agenda we work through together. From then on, we come to each session open to exploring what is on your mind that day, or tease apart elements that move you toward your outlined goals.

A typical session looks like this:

1. Opening our time

Some clients desire a grounding exercise to bring them into session and regulate their nervous system, others are ready to dive right in.

  • Checking in on the previous session’s action items

  • Sharing any relevant updates

  • Setting that day’s agenda with a topic you have brought to work on

2. Exploring the topic you have brought in and unpacking how it is showing up for you. This is where we spend the most time in our session. We do not rush into action or solve mode, we let ideas breath and bring curiosity to the topic.

3. Action + Completion. Once we have fully unpacked our topic, we move to action. We look to create aligned and doable actions to complete between that day and the next session.

I once had a client describe me as a “soul archeologist”, if that helps give you a sense of how layered and nuanced these conversations can be!