Investment Levels


Our sliding scale approach encourages reflection on personal financial circumstances and access to resources. By doing so, it enables me to offer more equitable opportunities to individuals who may have faced barriers to wealth and income due to external cultural factors.

Pay it Forward

Consider if most of the below applies to you:

  • own the home you live in

  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money

  • travel recreationally

  • benefit from a two-income household

Standard rate

Consider if most of the below applies to you:

  • comfortably meet your basic needs

  • have housing stability

  • take occasional trips or vacations relative to your financial means

  • have some debt  but can still meet your primary needs on a regular basis

community supported

Consider if most of the below applies to you:

  • are supporting dependents

  • provide unpaid care labor or community organizing

  • have significant debt

  • receive public assistance